Sunday, April 5, 2015

Violent video games leads to kid's becoming more aggressive?

    Video games have been around for nearly 70 years, and its primary purpose is to provide entertainment to its audience. There have been many types of video game genres that are suited for certain targeted individuals. With the advance of technology nowadays such as movies and sports, there have been video games that have been derived from these forms of media. From games for toddlers to adult themed games, there are games for every age group out there. Some of these may not be suitable for certain demographics such as young children should not be playing violent and gory video games.
    One may be led to believe that playing violent video games leads an individual to ultimately become violent; however, this theory has been proven wrong as experts have been able to come up with a theory that playing video games does not affect an individual's behavior. The study concluded that kids who played these games for a longer period of time tended to be more hyperactive and made them more likely to get into fights. Kids who played video games for less than an hour a day were less aggressive and rated as better-behaved.
    This goes to show that playing violent and gory themed video games does not mean that one will become aggressive and violent. However, there is an exception in that if a child plays these games for an extended amount of time, their tendencies to become violent is much higher, otherwise there really is no correlation between video games and violence.


Athlete's success on the field translating into success in the video game business

    The video game world is so large that anyone that has the drive and determination to get involved in it can do so, and depending on the level of commitment, success is without doubt achievable. Many may think that video game developers are mostly academically successful scholars who devote their entire lives to this business, but there is much more than just these individuals in the video game industry.
    One example that has driven the video game business are athletes. These individuals specialize in a specific sport and usually the more talented ones tend to become more successful and become recognized by the public. Although it may seem as if they simply just play their sport, at the end of the day it in actuality a business as these players are paid to play on a team. Sports to them is just like another day at the office. However, there are some athletes that go beyond playing their sport.
    Take one of the most famous soccer players in the world for example. Gerard Pique, who is a Spanish soccer player that plays for FC Barcelona and the Spanish National Team is regarded as one of the best defenders in the world. His success on the field has translated into him being one of the most highly paid players in his position. Piqué has become so successful that he now has his own video game company, Kerad Games. He created the game "Golden Manager" which is similar to that of Football Manager, where one can build and manage their own soccer team for online play against friends, as well as purchase items within the game for real money to make their team better. This game gives players a realistic experience of what it's like to manage a soccer team.
    This goes to show that not only has the video game industry attracted young teenagers and enthusiasts who show strong interests in video games but even athletes as well. Anyone can create their own video game, it's just a matter of whether he/she has the will and passion to go forth about it.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Virtual noise reduces simulator sickness in video games?

    With the technology that we have nowadays, it is possible to recreate almost any scenario in real life and integrate it into games. One prime example is simulating rides such as flying a plane, driving a car, to even riding a roller coaster. The games give us a first person perspective point of view as the game is being played. This is as realistic as it gets to actually experiencing the real thing.
    With the simulation games comes risks as well. For individuals who are prone to motion sickness such as vertigo and nausea, virtual games may not be the best choice; however, there has been new research into this issue for potential to ease the situation. It is said that various physiological systems are the cause of simulator sickness. The real science behind motion sickness is the fact that our perceptual system does not like it when the motion of our body and our visual system are out of synch. There has been evidence that playing games which are less intense in terms of having fixed visual reference objects- such as a racer's dashboard or a cockpit controls within the user's field of view has shown to lessen the chances of developing motion sickness.
    What researchers did was astounding. They developed something called a "nasum virtualis," which was in fact a "virtual nose" which was in fact a human nose that was then placed in the middle of the video display. A study was conducted on some 41 people whom all had the virtual nose inserted into their gameplay. Whilst playing the games, none of them noticed that there was even a nose in the middle of the screen, as it did not affect their gameplay. It did however, eliminate any chances at having motion sickness as the nose acted as a frame of reference to help ground the player.
    Experts are still astounded and amazed at the success of the virtual nose. However, they are still yet to figure out the real reason behind why having it really works. According to one scientist, he says that "our suspicion is that you have this stable object that your body is accustomed to tuning out, but it's still there and your sensory system knows it."   

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Motion-sensor gaming

    Video gaming has undergone a mass transformation process ever since it was first introduced and developed. The first video games were simply blocks on a screen, which was ultimately the game Pong. Fast forward a couple of years and you have colored graphics, and then forward another 10-20 years and you have what we call today motion-sensor gaming. Nintendo was the first company to develop this type of technology, followed by Sony and then Microsoft.
    The Nintendo Wii was the first device to have motion-sensor technology integrated in it. Launched in 2006, the device was an instant success on the video game market grossing millions of dollars in revenue from sales. Its motion-sensor technology is built right into the controllers and consoles. The console can then determine where the remote is relative to the console in a 3D environment, which allows for interactive gaming through movement of the controller itself. The positive aspect about the Wii is the fact that it brands itself as a motion-sensor console unlike the XBox and Playstation where you would have to pay for them additionally. If you are looking for an interactive and fun console to enjoy with the family, then the Wii is definitely your console of choice. For $129.99, you get a game, Wii Sports included when you purchase the console.
    Besides the Wii, Sony and Microsoft have also developed motion-sensor devices to supplement their consoles. For Sony, there is the PlayStation Move, which is a device that consists of a spherical camera called the PlayStation Eye and Move Motion Wands that can be detected by a camera in 3D space. Microsoft developed the Kinect which is a rectangular shaped device that includes a built-in depth camera. The Kinect is probably considered as the most realistic form of motion-sensor gaming, as it does not require a remote in order to interact with the camera. The Kinect can also be used for multiplayer games at once, so that one does not have to purchase additional devices.
    In terms of performance wise, I would have to side with the PlayStation Move as it has the best performance out of all 3. Although, the price tag may seem a little towards the pricier end of the spectrum, it is well worth the money as the gameplay itself is for the most part smooth and flowing. Thanks to motion-sensor technology, we are getting closer and closer towards actually physically being in the game.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Compulsive video gaming

    Yes, there is such a thing as playing too much video games, and yes scientists have related it to a specific type of disorder. Compulsive video gaming is a modern-day psychological disorder that is starting to affect more and more gamers in the world. Thousands of people have flocked to countless addiction centers around the world in order to treat their addiction to video games.
    Psychologists feared that video games could take over the lives of the kids that play it, and needless to say it has in fact been deemed true. But the big question now is, "can a game truly become addicting?" The answer to that is yes and to experts, they deem it as a "clinical impulse control disorder." 
    What is the true definition of addiction? According to WebMD, they set forth the following criteria in order to determine whether an individual fits the category or not. 1. The person needs more and more of a substance or behavior to keep him going. 2. If the person does not get more of the substance or behavior, he becomes irritable and miserable. In order to fully diagnose someone with the disorder, one of these two criteria must be present. 
    Compulsive also meets this criteria as severe withdrawal symptoms in game addicts can be observed. Symptoms such as becoming angry, violent, or depressed may occur.The scientific evidence to this disorder is however quite inconclusive as experts have linked the reasons for video game addictions to elevating amounts of dopamine.
    Well, I'm guessing that you are still thinking to yourself, "how does becoming addicted to video games more harmful than drug addiction?" According to experts, video game addiction can become a serious issue and potentially ruin children's lives. In other words, playing too much video games can alter a child's social development in the long run.
    Treating this order can be pretty simple, although it may require an extensive amount of time for things to return back to normal. The trick is, "to show gamers that they are powerless over their addiction, and then teach them "real-life excitement as opposed to online excitement." In other words, to get pull them out of their comfort zones and break boundaries by interacting in the outside world. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Video games as a form of education?

    When video games were first invented, the people that popularized it took it solely for the purpose of entertainment. Back in the good old days, it was considered to be a good stress reliever as well as a good way to socialize with others. Video games were first introduced in bars with the game Pong jumping right into the minds of the general public. As the game started making rounds around the country, people fled to bars to test their skills in a game of Pong. The game became so popular that the arcade revolution was born. Soon, following the arcade period, consoles came into play and is still existent to this day. There have been many different consoles developed by numerous gaming companies throughout the entire world.
    Fast forward to the present day. Video games are literally everywhere. From one's console, to a portable Play Station, or even a Nintendo DS, to even the ever so ingenious smartphones that we use today. As the industry progressed and grew at a rapid rate, video game developers started to think more specifically about individual audiences that they wanted to target in order to create games that were suitable for the specific age group. In fact, one group of the public has attempted to integrate video games as a form of method to supplement their tasks: teachers. Yes, teachers. No you're not reading it wrong. Teachers have attempted to integrate video games as a form of supplement to their teaching in order to allow their students to have a better understanding of the concepts.
    They find that students tend to learn better from getting exposed to something that they hold particular interest in. Using video games as a form of educating would most definitely draw most of the kids to want to learn about math or history per say. In using technology to teach kids, it also gives them early exposure to an important tool that they are almost certainly going to be using in the future, as well as ultimately building up their knowledge of concepts in the classroom.
    Although this theory has been proposed, it has not yet been fully adapted by all of the schools in the country as it is still a project in the making. Many teachers however have attempted to incorporate video games in their teachings. There also actually have been no studies to prove that video games can benefit children in the form of education. However, in my opinion I believe that video games would definitely benefit children in many different ways such as having different games for different concepts in order to maximize the amount of knowledge that the kids are exposed to. Also, if the video game is set up to be visually appealing, that would also play a big factor in encouraging children to want to learn. So yes, I believe that this could be a crucial tool for children of the future as they are lucky enough to be exposed to such advanced technology, which would hopefully in turn make them more intelligent. 


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Timeline of major video game consoles

     From the very first simple cubed, black and white graphics to the now modern eye-popping motion sensored technology, video game consoles have evolved tremendously over time. One startling fact that should be noted is that there have been 70 different consoles that have been developed to this day. From the very first games to exist, such as Pong and Pac-man, technology has improved so significantly that nowadays high caliber 3D graphic gameplay exists. It is safe to say that with the fierce competition boiling between many of these video game companies, it has led to the development of superior technology including providing excellent game play. Another interesting fact that many probably do not know is that during the peak era of video arcade games, Nintendo and Sage were in a fierce battle with each other with the development of their consoles. Let's take a look at a few of the many video game consoles out there from the very first, to the latest.
     In the 60's, the world witnessed the birth of the first video game console. Ralph H. Beer, who is also known as "The Father of Video Games," developed the first ever video game console in the history of mankind in 1967. It was simply named "The Brown Box." The console was a rather simple bulky rectangular brown wooden box with two attached controllers, thus giving it the name. The console was developed so that it could be hooked up with ordinary television sets. There were only 6 available games for the Brown Box which were all rather simple games which consisted of: Ping-pong, tennis, handball, volleyball, chase games, and a light-gun game.
     Fast forward about 10 years and you have the Atari Sears Tele-Games Pong System, which was developed in 1975. Following the success of the Atari Arcade gaming system, the company decided to create the Atari 2600, which was released in 1977. Atari and another company Magnavox would continue to develop consoles until 1978, when Nintendo released its first console. The company would go on to become a major factor in the video game industry for the next three decades. The Nintendo Color TV Game Series was released from 1977-1979. Nintendo would go on to release consoles that were similar to that of Atari and featured Pong-style games.
     Another 5-10 years and we reach the golden age of video gaming. This was the period where serious advances were made such as the integration of different types of games such as fighting, platform, adventure and RPG games. During this era, we also saw the release of notable games such as Pac-man, Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc. One major change that was integrated was the fact that cartridge-based video game systems were formed rather than the dedicated consoles. Nintendo and Saga outright dominated the video game era in that decade. Sega released its first ever console: the SG-1000 in 1983. Notable consoles released in this era include the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) in 1983 and the Sega Master System in 1985.
The next major console to be released by Nintendo in the 90's was the Nintendo 64 in 1996. Nintendo 64 was an instant hit, with millions of people busting stores to get their hands on one.
     Now to the present time where we have Microsoft contributing with the X-Box system. There is the X-Box, X-Box 360, and just recently the newly released X-Box One. Nintendo continued to develop products with the development of handheld consoles such as the Nintendo DS, followed by the Wii system. Following the Wii, there was the Wii U. Sony released handheld devices such as the PSP, which was a massive hit at the time of its release, followed by the PSP Vita, which did not sell as well. Consoles such as the PS1, PS2, PS3, and recently the PS4 followed.   
     Of course there are many more consoles that were not mentioned above as there are simply too many to note individually. Each console was unique in that there was one notable difference.   

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Studies of the therapeutical and beneficial effects that COD (Call of Duty) have on soldiers

      Many people believe that video games were invented for the pure sake of entertainment purposes, but there is far more than just having fun. In fact (as mentioned in my previous blog post), there have been studies conducted by experts to prove that playing video games are in fact beneficial and can even bring about therapeutic effects to soldiers. One of the many FPS (first person shooting) games available out there, Call of Duty has been used to aid and treat any lingering effects of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) that soldiers may have suffered from combat. Almost all soldiers returning from war are bound to suffer from some form of PTSD, which can ultimately range from being minor to severe.  
       In an online survey carried out by Jayne Gackenbach of Edmonton of Grant McEwan University located in Edmonton, Canada, out of a group of 98 military personnel who claimed to play video games involving war and combat like Call of Duty claimed that it helped decrease harm and aggression that they feel when they are dreaming about war. Those surveyed who did not play were subject to more violent dreams and combined with feelings of helplessness. To ensure that her study only consisted of healthy and mentally stable soldiers, Jayne made sure that each individual was free from any pre-diagnosed mental disorders such as PTSD. The soldiers were divided into two groups: high gaming and low gaming which were based on how often they played video games. The high gaming group played video games much more frequently ranging from every day to several times a week and played more immersive games such as Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Red Dead Redemption. On the other hand, the low gaming group played games as little as a few times a year and they consisted of casual type games.
       Jayne concluded from her study that those that were involved in the high gaming group reported much less intense nightmares, and that many of the people in group were able to fight back whatever was attacking them in their dreams. Those that were in the low gaming group experienced more feelings of helplessness against their enemies. Thus, Gackenbach's theory based from the preliminary data that she collected concluded that violent video games may serve as a form of "threat simulator," a way of manipulating the mind to cope with the intense situations in nightmares. In fact, Gackenbach was able to receive personal feedback from a soldier who participated in the study and the soldier said: "I would see many soldiers, in combat, with PSPs or anything we could hook up to the 220v electricity. When soldiers weren't on patrol, we often had violent war games on our systems. It was weird. Like we didn't get enough violence." In other words, soldiers would play video games in between combat as a way to counter the violence that they had to experience. 


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Relating video games to reality as well as the effects it has on individuals

    Many have claimed that video games have had some form of affect on them, either in a positive or negative way. There have been countless studies on the influence that video games have played on individuals of different age groups. While some concluded that youth playing video games may be frowned upon especially by their parents, there have been studies to prove that it instead has beneficial effects on them. I personally believe that video games should not be viewed of as a "horrible evil demon," although I would agree that playing more than 3 hours a day would be over doing it. I would go as far as to say that people may possibly learn and gain new knowledge from playing certain types of games. Of course, not every video game is suited for every individual, such as 1st person shooting games, which are ideally more suited for a more mature audience. 
    For me, ever since I was exposed to my first video game, it has made me a much more open-minded and risk-taking person. I remember a couple of video games that I played when I was a young kid. Jump Start was one of a few games that my parents would allow me to play as I was growing up. I found it to be really educational and beneficial to me as I was able to learn new things. In fact, I was able to find an article online on Forbes about a study that shows the impact that video games has on children, which ultimately leads to it being more beneficial. Here is the link if any of you are interested in reading more about it: 
    Even the United States military has utilized video games as a means for training their soldiers. For example, the Call of Duty video game was used by the US armed forces to test the soldiers' hand-eye coordination before being deployed. The military felt that Call of Duty was probably out of all the other 1st person shooting games considered to be the most realistic in terms of simulating real life war scenarios. Each individual would play the game which would then show their reaction time. I find this to be a good way of testing hand-eye coordination as well as reaction time in that because in the game, the enemies seem to appear out of nowhere.
    After reading these studies and playing video games myself, I still believe that the positives far outweigh the negatives when it comes to how video games should be perceived as. Many parents feel that video games are a big distraction in their child's lives, but although it can be a distraction, the best way to prevent it from being a distraction is to monitor and control the amount of exposure that a child would normally have so as to not interfere with their studies.    

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


     Video games has become one of the biggest, or if not one of the largest forms of entertainment towards the general public. Although it was originally intended for an older audience, nowadays companies have been able to create video games suited for all ages and genders. In fact, it is believed that the percentage of younger generations playing video games have increased significantly over time, which suggests that not only have video game companies have been attempting to increase their target audience, but it also meant that the amount of profit that they make have increased as well. Besides the fact that video games are available to all age groups and genders, they are also generally simple to access as nowadays most electronic devices comprise of games in them such as the iPhone, Microsoft, and Android devices.  
     Over the years, the platforms for games have changed drastically. From the 1970s, where the first game was known to be created; Pong, to the latest video game console; the PlayStation 4 and XBox One, the visual aesthetics and gameplay has improved significantly. Asking my dad about the first video game he ever played, he said that Pong was probably the first one that he was exposed to, and he remembers clearly that everything including the gameplay was in black and white. I myself can recall that the first video game I ever laid my eyes on was Mario Kart 64 on the Nintendo 64 game console. The gameplay and graphics were not even as close to as detailed to what we have today, although it was still a rather fun and addicting game to play. In this blog, I hope to discuss how video games have evolved over time using my personal experiences as well as others to show the impact video games have had on us.