Sunday, April 5, 2015

Violent video games leads to kid's becoming more aggressive?

    Video games have been around for nearly 70 years, and its primary purpose is to provide entertainment to its audience. There have been many types of video game genres that are suited for certain targeted individuals. With the advance of technology nowadays such as movies and sports, there have been video games that have been derived from these forms of media. From games for toddlers to adult themed games, there are games for every age group out there. Some of these may not be suitable for certain demographics such as young children should not be playing violent and gory video games.
    One may be led to believe that playing violent video games leads an individual to ultimately become violent; however, this theory has been proven wrong as experts have been able to come up with a theory that playing video games does not affect an individual's behavior. The study concluded that kids who played these games for a longer period of time tended to be more hyperactive and made them more likely to get into fights. Kids who played video games for less than an hour a day were less aggressive and rated as better-behaved.
    This goes to show that playing violent and gory themed video games does not mean that one will become aggressive and violent. However, there is an exception in that if a child plays these games for an extended amount of time, their tendencies to become violent is much higher, otherwise there really is no correlation between video games and violence.


Athlete's success on the field translating into success in the video game business

    The video game world is so large that anyone that has the drive and determination to get involved in it can do so, and depending on the level of commitment, success is without doubt achievable. Many may think that video game developers are mostly academically successful scholars who devote their entire lives to this business, but there is much more than just these individuals in the video game industry.
    One example that has driven the video game business are athletes. These individuals specialize in a specific sport and usually the more talented ones tend to become more successful and become recognized by the public. Although it may seem as if they simply just play their sport, at the end of the day it in actuality a business as these players are paid to play on a team. Sports to them is just like another day at the office. However, there are some athletes that go beyond playing their sport.
    Take one of the most famous soccer players in the world for example. Gerard Pique, who is a Spanish soccer player that plays for FC Barcelona and the Spanish National Team is regarded as one of the best defenders in the world. His success on the field has translated into him being one of the most highly paid players in his position. Piqué has become so successful that he now has his own video game company, Kerad Games. He created the game "Golden Manager" which is similar to that of Football Manager, where one can build and manage their own soccer team for online play against friends, as well as purchase items within the game for real money to make their team better. This game gives players a realistic experience of what it's like to manage a soccer team.
    This goes to show that not only has the video game industry attracted young teenagers and enthusiasts who show strong interests in video games but even athletes as well. Anyone can create their own video game, it's just a matter of whether he/she has the will and passion to go forth about it.
